Rainbow Bridge Review

My Review
If you enjoy reading W. Bruce Cameron's books you'll definitely
want to read this book.
Wow, I could not put this book down. I read it all in one go! We all have that memory of our first dog, mine happened when I was
four years old
. My mother was watching a dog for someone when they were on vacation. I fell in love with this little black dog and said she was my dog and that her name was Lisa, I have no idea what her name really was but the owner
let me keep her.
The day she died was a very sad day but if there is a rainbow bridge I
believe she went there. Though this is a fictional book the emotions put forth in this book by Nathan Wilkinson are very real and what we experience as dog owners.
I found myself nodding my head reading because yes so many of the things he went through we all go through as dog owners. Dogs are part of our family just as much as people are they are our companions,guardians and defenders.
This book follows along with Nathan's life from toddler age to after he marries and has children and all the dogs he has during this time period. These dogs share the adventures of his life,cheering him up as he bullied as a child,having courage under fire as he's called to battle and courageously a dog gives of his life to save his daughter's life when she's lost.
Saying goodbye to our best friend is so hard and I know I've shed more than a few tears over my dogs. What if this doesn't have to be the end though ? In Rainbow Bridge, Nathan is able to be joyfully reunited, though just for a brief time with his dogs through an unexpected tragedy.
You are going to want to read this book it hits home and rings
true with dog lovers. Published October 6th 2020 by Mirador. I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.
Amazon Summary
OUR BEST FRIENDS NEVER TRULY LEAVE … THEY AWAIT US AT THE BRIDGE. Our dogs are our friends and companions, guardians and defenders. Their love enriches our souls, and few things bring us greater joy than their loyalty and devotion. Until that inevitable day arrives when we have to say goodbye. But what if that is not the final farewell? What if there comes a time and a place where we can be reunited with the dogs we have loved and lost? For Nathan Wilkinson, this magical realm of which all grieving families dream will one day become a reality. At each juncture of Nathan’s life, he experiences friendship, guidance and personal growth from his canine companions. First comes Shiloh, the wise German shepherd of his youth; followed by Lindsay, the miniature schnauzer whose misfortune changes his adult life. When called to battle, he befriends Georgie, the stout war dog, whose courage under fire inspires all who serve with him. Finally there are the Labradors, whose seemingly mindless antics mask an iron-willed devotion to protecting his growing young family. Each of these remarkable dogs shares with Nathan countless adventures, love and companionship, and ultimately, the heartache of loss. And then one day, an unexpected tragedy provides him the chance for a brief but joyous reunion with those very same dogs at the place where all departed pets await their human companions…the Rainbow Bridge.
About The Author
Dan V. Jackson is a dog lover, family man and financial consultant. Rainbow Bridge is his second publication, and the first in an upcoming series of similarly-themed novels. He lives in Frisco Texas, and can be reached through his website: DanVJackson.com. Follow him on Twitter at @DanVJWrites. --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
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