The Seeker of Well-Being Review

My Review
Do you want to feel your best? I'll bet you do. I know I sure do. With the pandemic going on right now nothing really feels normal. Most of us thrive on schedules and our schedules are all out of whack and this is especially why we need to place importance on feeling good and not putting off what we can do for ourselves thinking, oh I'll just relax now that I have to stay home and I'll enjoy this delicious rich food I am eating.
Yes, this is enjoyable but the price will be paid so best to
try to avoid this outcome. This book has given me a better understanding of how to help myself. Examples of case studies are shown as the author speaks
to his clients about their health and well being.
We all want to succeed in our working environment but many times our boss has a different idea of how things should be going than we do. How about in a nonworking environment we talk to our boss, say over lunch and let them know we value their way of thinking but we would like to try our way.
The author has a degree in stress management and we could all use our stress managed. I think it's fascinating he has written books about stress management. We all need to read books about and practice this.
In the examples of case studies he shares with us in this book he also shares about nutrition , (the author studied ancient medicine of India) and how we don't even realize what we eat is really affecting us in a negative way. How so many foods we eat are not compatible to eat together and when we do eat them together it causes bloating and improperly digested food.
This way of eating over time leads to weight gain and diseases. Improperly done stretching and exercising is worse than doing no
exercise at all.
Stretching properly during exercise and breathing deeply but smoothly stimulates our muscles and organs,increases blood circulation
and enhances neutral currents.
I found the methods on proper nutrition,managing stress and
other information contained within The Seeker of Well-Being to be very informative and
just what I needed and I know you will as well.
I highly recommend this book. Published September 5th 2015 by Indrajit GARAI (first published December 7th 2004) I was given a complimentary copy. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.
GoodReads Summary
A practical guide, with a unique perspective on personal growth. Numerous case studies on people who have changed their lives simply by overcoming their inner resistance. We all want to attain excellence in what we do, but the first resistance comes from within us. We prevent ourselves from doing our best, from approaching our inner richness, and from feeling sincerely well within. The key to our durable well-being is by aligning accordance with our self, by overcoming our internal resistance, and by acting in synergy with our deepest values. But, how? Only our original solution, which originates from within us, can provide that. This book, based on twelve years of client work, reveals why ‘accordance with self’ is the prerequisite for a deep and durable well-being. Why only our original solution can do this, and how we can easily construct this solution from inside out. And attain our inherent potential, by aligning with ourselves.
Others have done this with grace; their results endure. You can do it too
About The Author

"Indrajit Garai, an American citizen now, was born in India in 1965. After his Bachelors degree from Indian Institute of Technology and Masters from Harvard, he worked as a corporate strategy consultant and as an investment banker in America, Spain, and England, while studying parallelly Ayurveda (ancient medicine of India) for stress management. In 2001, after the birth of his daughter, he moved to Paris, opened his private practice of stress management, and then authored six books in this field (five in French and one in English). Authoring these books on stress management gave him a deep love for writing. Since 2015, he has devoted himself full-time to creating literature."
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