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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge:Today’s topic is: Rereading books? Why or Why not?

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s topic is: Rereading books? Why or Why not?

I think the majority of people reread books. They do so for a variety of reasons, the comfort of it, they are happy with how it ends or plain and simply it's 2020 and they need the reassurance of something they can control - knowing how the book develops over the course of it.
As for me, it's a NO------ I don't do re-reads if I can help it.
I have so many books to read on my to read list that I'll never get them all read let alone re-reading ones I've already read.
I want the excitement of a new to me book . I don't want to know how the story evolves or how it ends.
NO SPOILERS for me please!
What are your thoughts on this?
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