A Dazzle of Diamonds (Georgia Coast Romance #3) Review

My Review
I absolutely loved this series and am sorry to see it end. But the end of this series means the beginning of a brand new series with the first book releasing in Summer 2021 and I can't wait!
This book makes you just melt into a big goopy puddle of happiness. It was charming without being too cutesy. The situations presented where sometimes funny and some had you scratching your head saying, "how are they going to get out of this one? " All the situations where realistic though. I loved the characters and the interaction between them was so fun to read.
The book is uplifting and in the theme of a positive note. There is a time split where the past has a direct affect on present time in the book but most of this contemporary does take place in modern times. Published August 4th 2020 by Fleming H. Revell Company. I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.
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Best friends Penelope and Tucker have faced their share of challenges. But finding a lost treasure in time to clear his family's name and win him an election may uncover something they never expected.
About The Author

My website is at www.LizJohnsonBooks.com, and I hang out online at www.Facebook.com/LizJohnsonBooks and www.Twitter.com/LizJohnsonBooks.