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Children of the Stars Review

My Review

Though fictional, this book is actually based upon factual historical events happening in the character's lives. Jacob and Moses are brothers and the children of famous

well-known German playwrights.

Sent by their parents for their safety into their aunts care the children are taken captive by a roundup and arrested before they are able to escape and reunite with their parents.

The French gendarmes, under direct Nazi order take the boys to Vélodrome d’Hive, a structure in Paris where thousands of France’s Jews

are being forcibly detained.

Knowing they must escape and fearing for their lives, knowing if they don't they may never see their parents again the story follows the harrowing trek the boys make trying to find their parents when they have very little to go on besides a set of letters sent from the South of France.

These brothers have only each other to rely on as they face the grim reality of not knowing who they can trust and who will turn them in . Faced with hunger,desperation,fear and uncertainty, is it really feasible to continue this journey to find their parents?

You will meet the people who go out of their way putting their own lives in danger to help these young brothers, some paying the ultimate price.

Though tragic, the human spirit shines through the darkness as we come into the light of human goodness once again. Highly recommended for historical fiction loves who enjoy learning

something from what they are reading. Pub Date 25 Feb 2020 by Thomas Nelson--FICTION I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own

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GoodReads Summary

From international bestseller Mario Escobar comes a story of escape, sacrifice, and hope amid the perils of the second World War. Jacob and Moses Stein live with their aunt in Paris until the great raid against foreign Jews is unleashed in August 1942. Their parents, well-known German playwrights, have been hiding in France, but before their aunt manages to send them south, the gendarmes stop the boys and take them to the Velodromo de Invierno, where more than 4,000 children, 5,000 women, and 3,000 men had to subsist without food or water. Jacob and Moses manage to flee, but the road will not be safe or easy. This novel by internationally bestselling author Mario Escobar follows two brave young Jewish boys as they seek refuge in the French town of Le-Chambon-sur-Lignon

and eventually Argentina.

About The Author


Madrid, Spain



Fiction, History, Mystery


Stephen King, Jules Verne,

Mario Escobar Golderos has a degree in History, with an advanced studies diploma in Modern History. He has written numerous books and articles about the Inquisition, the Protestant Reformation, and religious sects. He is the executive director of an NGO and directs the magazine Nueva historia para el debate, in addition to being a contributing columnist in various publications. Passionate about history and its mysteries, Escobar has delved into the depths of church history, the different sectarian groups that have struggled therein, and the discovery and colonization of the Americas. He specializes in the lives of unorthodox Spaniards and Americans. Books Autor Betseller con miles de libros vendidos en todo el mundo. Sus obras han sido traducidas al chino, japonés, inglés, ruso, portugués, danés, francés, italiano, checo, polaco, serbio, entre otros idiomas. Novelista, ensayista y conferenciante. Licenciado en Historia y Diplomado en Estudios Avanzados en la especialidad de Historia Moderna, ha escrito numerosos artículos y libros sobre la Inquisición, la Reforma Protestante y las sectas religiosas. Publica asiduamente en las revistas Más Allá y National Geographic Historia Apasionado por la historia y sus enigmas ha estudiado en produndidad la Historia de la Iglesia, los distintos grupos sectarios que han luchado en su seno, el descubrimiento y colonizacíón de América; especializándose en la vida de personajes heterodoxos españoles y americanos. Su primera obra, Conspiración Maine 2006, fue un éxito. Le siguieron El mesías Ario (2007), El secreto de los Assassini (2008) y la Profecía de Aztlán (2009). Todas ellas parte de la saga protagonizada por Hércules Guzmán Fox, George Lincoln y Alicia Mantorella. Su libro Francisco. El primer papa latinoamericano ha sido traducido a 12 idiomas, entre ellos el chino, inglés, francés, italiano, portugues, japonés, danés, etc. Sol rojo sobre Hiroshima (2009) y El País de las lágrimas (2010) son sus obras más intimistas. También ha publicado ensayos como Martín Luther King (2006) e Historia de la Masonería en Estados Unidos (2009). Los doce legados de Steve Jobs (2012). La biografía del papa Francisco. El primer papa latinoamericano (2013). La Saga Ione (2013) o la Serie Apocalipsis (2012).Saga Misión Verne (2013)

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